Tuesday 31 March 2015


Tapering, sounds like I know what I'm talking about doesn't it?

I think it actually gives me a legitimate cause to reduce my mileage. I completed 12 miles yesterday, it was hard. It was hard on the outbound leg of the lovely level canal tow path I ambled along. I couldn't get speed up so pleased myself by just trundling along convincing myself that miles under the belt was all that mattered. The return was even harder as I was hampered by a forceful headwind. I really don't think it was there as a helping hand on my first half, if it was then that had been even harder than it should have been.

In need of fresh pastures to keep the running going I've been parking a little further along the canal each run for the past week. My first run started at Firepool Lock in town right at the very beginning of the Taunton to Bridgwater Canal and yesterday I parked at Swingbridge, tomorrow It will be Creech. This psychological game I play with myself helps to relieve the boredom of going over the same ground repeatedly.

The many bridges along this route also helps me to have specific goals for each area of my running style I aim to improve too. I have a tendency towards OCD behaviour in most areas of my life and my running routine follows thus: keep head up looking at the horizon or at least where I'm going, keep hips forward, shoulders down, knees up, arms pumping - not across the body, flick the dirt of my trainers and then put the whole lot together and then rest, still running but not actively trying to do all of the above. I'm always relieved when a long section involves focussing on an upper body action and groan loudly when my legs have to up the effort!

Yesterday I was tired. I had postponed the twelve miler from a very wet and windy Sunday through which I was not recovering quickly from a hangover. I was looking forward to the challenge but it became apparent immediately that it wasn't going to be a run of concentration. I'm quite pleased with how my half marathon training has been going, I've managed to concentrate on the entirety of all my runs in recent weeks but this one just had to unfold at its own mind wandering and gentle pace. Even at mile three I was desperate for the little voice in my ear to tell me of my achievement. In my haste to hear I pushed my iPod button for too long and switched the damn thing off resulting in having to start all over again.

Apparently it is not necessary to complete the full 13.1 miles before a half, atmosphere and support on the day should carry you through. Last year I managed to fit in a thirteen mile run before the race but this year I'm listening to the advice and I've saved a whole mile for the day. Trouble is I'm so far back the pack by the time I get to the last few miles, when the going gets really tough, many supporters have gone home and runners are few and far between. I remember the last stretch being a desolate wasteland last year, I was exhausted and very lonely. I was delighted to see and hear fellow club runners greeting and cheering me before the final bend and then a small crowd at the finish, but that final stretch, hard, very hard.

To taper I should only do 60% of my longest run and maybe a 6 - 10 miles on the Sunday before. I have to be up early tomorrow and plan to do 7 miles. Parkrun is a speedy (if only) 5k for Saturday then perhaps I'll do that 10 and a club run. Finally a few days of carb loading should have me ready. As long as on the day I can eat a decent breakfast and these blustery winds have blown away I shall keep my fingers crossed for a good result. I have a dream time, it could happen, I will need to push real hard. All I know is I will do my very best and that there will be tears, I hope that they will be tears of joy.

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