Monday 28 April 2014

Third Time Lucky

Last November on a cold dark evening I went to RFRC track session.
I parked my car so that I could see what was happening.
I sat in my car and watched the runners for a few minutes and then I left.
I cried all the way home for not being brave enough to join in.

At the beginning of this year on a cold dark evening I went to RFRC track session.
I deliberately parked my car so that I couldn't see the track.
I got out out of my car and watched the runners for a few minutes and then I got back in and left.
I shouted at myself all the way home for being so stupid to not join in.

This evening on a grey and very wet rainy evening I went to RFRC track session.
I parked my car without any thought of where I was putting it whatsoever.
I nervously walked onto the track and bravely said hello to the other runners.
When asked my 10K pace I replied that I had absolutely no idea!

Three laps, rest, times five, we were off, oh my goodness what was I doing there?
Pouring rain, back of the pack, waiting to be lapped.
Round and round and round I went, gradually getting further behind.
Determination set in, I would not be beaten. I was not beaten.

Task completed, thank you Tanya.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Further Faster Stronger Longer

I didn't really set a new year's resolution but I knew I had to up the game with my running.

Christmas saw us visiting friends in New Zealand and I was quite cross with myself that having taken my kit on four 12 hour flights  I only managed one run in the southern hemisphere. Plenty of good eating, drinking and traveling took place instead and we had a fabulous time. Relaxing in bed in glorious sunshine towards the end of our adventure I was given a wake up call when I checked social media to discover my friend Fiona had posted that she had booked her place for the Taunton Half Marathon. Not to be outdone I immediately attempted to get myself a place. Being unsuccessful to do so whilst on Kiwi soil I had to wait until we got home some days later to secure my place. I was so worried that I would miss out and this year really was the year I had to do it.

I kept my plan to run the half to myself and set about getting back into the stride and was mindful of the fact that not only did I need to get going I had to run further than I had ever run before. The usual winter illnesses  stopped me in my tracks once or twice and an outing with Donna had me seriously worried that I had bitten off far more than I could ever chew. Perseverance needed to show its cards.

Gradually over the following weeks I battled on and completely surprised myself the day I completed the Taunton 10k circuit twice! I needed to know I could go the distance and this achievement gave me a great big and much needed mental boost. The week before the half marathon I was decidedly under the weather and fellow RFRC runner Nadine offered advice on resting up to make it to the day. Illness had taken its toll on Fiona but meant she wanted to run with me and for this year just aim on completing the distance. Club supporters, family and friends cheered us all the way round and Fi's encouragement really kept me going through the villages and lanes until I lost her on the dreaded Rumwell Hill. Nadine greeted me again on the last 400m of the course getting me to look up for the camera and to get sprinting around the corner to the finish. I couldn't believe that I had actually done it. And I had done it before my impending 50th birthday.I am very proud of my medal!

The following week I watched the London Marathon hoping the stories and achievements reported  would no longer give me the desire to take part. Knowing quite a few RFRC members were taking part  didn't help. I marveled at the elite athletes and as soon as the masses joined in I got that old familiar feeling. I should be doing it not watching it. I kept reminding myself that every step of the 13.1 miles the previous Sunday had me vowing to never take part in anything requiring stamina to keep going ever again. But maybe I'm a distance runner, I know I'm not a speed runner, and once I couldn't do 5k so maybe, maybe...

Nadine laughs every time I call her coach but she has helped me to really focus on what I want. She has put a plan together for me and I am doing my best to put it into practice. I wish to run faster, my times recently have been dropping off and finding motivation was getting tricky too. And I want to be stronger, in mind, determination and stamina.

Last week Tina and I ran the Killerton Park Run. Tina has way more running experience than me and she's quicker. The course had changed from my previous visit and I disliked the huge downhill over grass start, the masses of people (over 300 and a record for Killerton) and the spooked cattle stampeding towards the same section of the field as ourselves. Oh and then there's the ups and downs of this undulating course. With Tina's encouragement and a huge amount of heavy breathing I achieved a park run personal best of 33:01 minutes. I was delighted.

Yesterday I ran 5.2 miles for the sheer pleasure of it. I took my time up the hills, walked when I needed to, enjoyed the views and the birdsong and conversed with walkers, riders and runners and even drivers! It was a beautiful day and pace and time didn't matter. It reminded me that running is an enjoyable exercise.

Today I was very privileged to run Longrun Park Run with my coach. Nadine offered to run with me, suggesting that together we could get me another PB. So there I was, having been out of bed for not much more than 30 minutes, joining the regulars and newbies and my coach, preparing to run my heart out. I don't know how she did it but Nadine got me round quicker than I've ever managed before. She let me ease up now and then but she really pushed me too. I focussed on counting my breathing and getting my knees up. I will get a photo that makes me look like I'm actually running even if it kills me! Apparently we did a pretty speedy sprint finish, all I remember is feeling so sick that I was in danger of seeing the breakfast I hadn't eaten make a reappearance! And yes, I did get a PB. My last time for this course was 35:01 today I did it in 31.14 thank you Nadine.

How will I ever manage that by myself. Can I run even further than a half? Which race shall I enter next? Who knows what lies ahead. I do know I am going to keep trying and I also know I will share my experiences with all of you!


Monday 14 April 2014


Dear Coach,

Thank you ever so much for putting my new training plan together. It's a comprehensive plan full of good ideas to get me moving more quickly and I feel sure it will do the trick. I am really looking forward to putting it into practice. It would be true to say my new plan was scheduled to commence today and I had every intention of making sure it did.

Therefore it is with much sadness that I have to report that I have fallen at the first hurdle. I am on holiday from my job but I have been somewhat involved in my voluntary role today and I did not get in from this task until 5.30 p.m. Driving home along the busy M5 I was still hoping that I would make it to track at 6.30 p.m. Unfortunately the key went in the lock and my bottom sat on the sofa and there it has stayed.

I am very disappointed with myself. I shall copy and paste a thousand lines of remorse for my inability to complete day one. Tomorrow is another day and I will try and do some speed work by myself.

Please forgive me.

I will try harder.

Yours sincerely,

Runnerduck x

Thursday 10 April 2014

Information Overload

I'm ferociously hunting down and voraciously devouring running advice from friends, forums, magazine articles, blog posts and tweets. Distance training, improving speed, perfecting diet, kit and mind games.

I know when I watch the London marathon at the weekend my desire to do it, just the once, will not have gone. I thought I had eradicated these foolish thoughts last Sunday doing the Taunton half marathon. Every step of that journey I spent vowing never to take part again. Those thoughts are already in the past as I evaluate each step and blame lack of concentration, the week before's ups and downs of un-wellness and a complete lack of understanding of the need to refuel en route even though I am overweight and desire my body to use its own fat stores rather than eat the proffered jelly babies.

Lets study the facts and get the excuses out of the way.

Meniere's disease does make my immune system less efficient, fact. However, if I make other changes to my lifestyle I should be able to become healthier thus reducing the number of times, always when my running is going well that I end up having to completely stop for long enough to feel like I have to start all over again when I put my trainers back on.

I shall be 50 this summer. I am a grandmother. Age is no barrier, plenty of people way older than me run further, longer and faster than I dare to dream about. I wish I had run around the cross country field at school and I wish I had worked out why my knees were so painful when I tried to run as a young mum, but I didn't. Being a healthy and energetic Nanna has got to be a good role model for my grandaughter. I might even get my daughter in law to put her trainers back on and join me.

Heart disease, obesity and the dreaded C word. I have always battled with my forever appetite. It never goes away! Actually, that's not strictly true. I do have MD bouts whereby phases of constant nausea makes eating a bit of a problem. But, obesity, heart disease and bowel cancer is a serious issue from my family genes and this is primarily why I run. Burning those calories is my number one reason for tying my laces. I was supposed to have had a cholesterol check before Christmas but the results went awol and I've not been back to try again, I know I should but there's a big part of me that doesn't really want to know. If I find out and I have to make alterations that's just something else I can't be bothered to think about. And I haven't even mentioned my laziness yet! I'm happy to keep pounding the roads and keep my fingers crossed that my ticker and insides are in good health.

I know the diet rules inside out. Eat less, move more, simple. Except it isn't. I can have an iron will and I can also have no will at all. Finding the balance seems to elude me over and over again. I love food. I love everything from a £5 Macdonald's feast to a mega bucks five star extravaganza and just about everything in between and I indulge regularly. I'm not good however at planning my meals, shopping for them and cooking. I avoid gluten as it saps my energy and less energy makes me even more tardy in my food choices and so the spiral falls. But all those bread and pastry dishes are my first choice on the menu, even menus of my own making. And, time and time again I convince myself that just this one biscuit/sandwich/ready meal wont harm even though I now darn well that it will and does. Shopping for gluten free products couldn't be easier than it is now and I must get back into having my shopping delivered, if my alternatives are in the cupboard and I ask Mr B to stop bringing home the goodies he finds at yet another lovely little farm shop found on a breakdown recovery in the depths of the Somerset, I might stand a chance.

My name is Lyn and I am a socialnetworkaholic. I have lots of hobbies, running - obviously! Photography, food, travel, word games, crochet, reading, writing and connecting with the virtual world. Sadly, some of these are not getting a look in as my Mac and ipad have such strong magnetic pulls on them that invariably this is where I find myself. Oh and I can justify some of this lost time. See I only ever joined Twitter because of a work need and now I have yet another time wasting app that just needs checking every now and then. And, writing, that's a good hobby surely? I only ever started blogging because of work and now I have yet another time wasting app that just needs checking now and then. I'm so good at passing the blame I should have a medal for it.

To have one guardian angel in your life is quite special, to have a second is nothing short of miraculous.   Nadine has very kindly offered to work out a running plan for me in order to help me move forward. I have read so much information with regards to all aspects of running that I am now in system overload and I can't see the wood for the trees. With Nadine's help and my aim to run with RFRC on as many Wednesday's as I possibly can hopefully that will make for a very good start to the new me.

Only I can control the food intake and I am going to start planning and return to having my shopping delivered to make sure I stay on track. Only I can control my social networking and I am going to cull the number of Twitterers and Facebookers I follow and set myself some rules. I am going to reinstate my other hobbies in my new found free time. Hopefully running will still be my number one choice and  maybe some of my future Runnerduck blogs will be about increased speed.

Monday 7 April 2014

I Did It!

Sunday the 7th of April 2014

A grey but perfect running temperature kind of day.

Accompanied and spurred on by my running buddy Fi.

Cheered on by Mr B, friends and Running Forever Running Club.

I completed the Taunton Half Marathon.

I am over the moon.

Ambition achieved.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Running With The Deer

Last Wednesday night I didn't get to sleep until 1.30 am on account of Mr B's snoring. He was forgiven as Thursday he celebrated a BIG birthday. Another late night followed due to celebrations. A bottle or two of Champagne were consumed and a lovely evening was had with great friends. A very busy day at work on Friday had me sneaking off to the golden arches for a very naughty fast lunch.

I'm telling you all this because when I got in from work on Friday afternoon I put on my trainers and headed out the door. I had planned to do a clockwise circuit around Stoke Woods. But, I changed my mind. I was feeling good and suddenly decided I actually really needed to do my very long experimental run. I was already on the Taunton 10k route and instead of turning right towards the planned route I found myself turning left.

I thought to myself that I would see how it went and if by the time I got back to my village I had had enough it would be OK to head for home. I managed to thoroughly cheese off one particular driver. She had to slow down and even stop, how very rude of me to be wanting to use the road! My timing for this route was not so good, I was meeting a lot of commuter traffic but I am happy to say that all bar the one woman happily acknowledged my waves of thanks for giving me space.

I got thoroughly soaked from a very heavy downpour and began to worry that if the weather didn't improve I would run out of light before energy. Back on my home turf I approached the turning to my house, I could see my very faint shadow on the lane and a quick timing calculation had me choosing to do a second circuit. Off I went, round again. This time the traffic had considerably lessened and my legs still felt OK.  I did have the option of not adding in the Holway section of the route but that would not get my mileage up to what I needed to prove to myself what I was capable of. It had to be done and it was.

For my second trip along South Rd I slowed quite noticeably and as I turned into Stoke Rd I realised I had no memory whatsoever of having already run there some good few minutes before. As I headed out towards Stoke I put my head down, I was running against daylight. I was cross with myself. I should have left work sooner and gotten on with the job and now if the light went I would be putting myself and others in danger.

I ran almost 20km. I was delighted. And, I did that after 2 late nights, alcohol and junk food. Surely that can't be right?

 I slept like a log and woke on Saturday morning ravenously hungry and Mr B treated me to breakfast in town AND we went out for lunch too! I had a lovely day visiting relatives on Sunday and through all this I felt amazing. However when I got up yesterday morning I felt awful. I had a banging headache, sore throat, chills and aches and pains. I duly took painkillers and got through work. I should have been running after work but ended up having a really early night. Today I started the day feeling rough but it has warn off somewhat and I was able to complete a 6k outing around the woods I had originally planned to do last Friday.

The highlight of my run today was that once I had reached the top of the world, just over the other side of the woods on the hill I can see from home, I was enjoying the amazing views out over towards town when I was joined in the lane by the prettiest deer I have ever seen. Sadly she didn't approve of my company, she skitted off down the lane and disappeared over the hedge. I always feel immensely privileged to see these shy creatures, she made my day, all that effort so worthwhile for those few seconds.

This weekend I have an eightieth birthday party to celebrate hopefully with bubbles and good food and another top quality meal to look forward to on Saturday, I shall be driving for this one so no alcohol. I am hoping that the two late nights, a little drop of alcohol and some excellent food will stand me in good stead for a long run next Sunday. What do you think?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find another box of tissues. Achoo x