Thursday 26 January 2012

Down came the rain 8(

I really wasn't sure this morning if I would manage my Thursday run with Gill. I was tired and didn't feel at all right. Not dizzy, so didn't think MD was on the way, but foggy, slow and just a very strong desire to get back into bed. On arrival at work a friend asked if all was well, my eyes give me away every time, looking in the mirror I could see I looked as dreadful as I felt. By lunchtime I was really hungry and feeling considerably better. I wolfed down my lunch and was very disappointed to see that I hadn't put a chocolate biscuit in my lunch box, it's too easy to be all righteous after breakfast and only put the healthy stuff in!

The first lesson after lunch was awful, truly awful. It is one of 2 lessons of the week that I dislike. The children don't seem to be able to watch and listen at all and we had the inevitable cries of "I don't know how to do it," even though we are taking things one tiny step to a time. I'm really stuck now, I can't seem to see how to make it any more simplified. Their teacher and I have constant discussions and reshape the plans but still they can't do it.

3.20 arrives, all looks well outside the window so I get into my gear and start stretching whilst waiting for Gill. I'm quite surprised that I actually do feel like running and soon we're out of the gate and heading up a hill, not a big one but it wasn't so very many months ago that the first time we did it we had to stop at the top to catch our breath. Then we decided to go a bit longer and turned right to add a little extra distance to our outing.

We had got about 2/3 of the way round when a light drizzle began. Along with the damp stuff enough wind to led to me having to take my hat off. Then it rained harder, it seemed quite light but it was very wet! It steadily got heavier and colder and by the time we headed back into the school playground I was feeling very cold. We were both soaked through but delighted to have clocked up another 5.5 KM and burning 350 of those vital calories.

I'm not sure when my next run will be, it's our Saturday off so we will be out and about most of that day and we are celebrating my nephew's 18th birthday on Sunday. See you soon 8)  

Sunday 22 January 2012


My normal rule is to have at least one day of rest between runs but desperate times need desperate measures and this Christmas blubber needs shifting. As all my chores had been completed by midday including the usual Everest of ironing (OK so today it was more a Ben Nevis of ironing) I decided to get my trainers on and head out into the breezy but sunny Sunday.

The first song on my iPod was playing nicely and my legs were moving but it was hard, I kept reminding myself that the first track is always hard and that it would get easier. It did, but then came the hills. Up and up I went, slowly but surely I reached the top of my chosen route. Today I decided to go a different way, bit risky as I might have to turn back as i wasn't 100% sure of the safety of the road this lane comes out on and I don't like turning back, I like circular routes best.

This new route took me by surprise with a lovely long downhill stretch, I tried not to think about the inevitable up which must surely follow and instead focussed on the beautiful panoramic view laid out before me. I could see that reaching the top of this hill had opened up many more possible running routes and I was already planning future running routes.

I hadn't run this distance for a while and the following up beat me and I ended up having to walk, no shame, just get on with it. Stop thinking about the damage to my pace time, more running would surely follow. I reached the main road, a dangerous stretch, very fast and a bit of a squeeze for two vehicles in places. I had joined the road on a sweeping bend as I suspected I would and was able to cut the corner through the adjacent field and then only had to run down a short distance before turning once more back onto a much quieter lane.

Fortunately then I was treated to lots of downhill and I even managed to sprint the last few yards to my house. I clocked up 10.5 KM (6.6 miles) in a somewhat slow time but the 750 calories burned more than made up for that.

My treat is now to go and see War Horse, I have my tissues!

Saturday 21 January 2012

The Longrun Ruffle

Day off, 7.40 a.m. blowing a hooley, chilly, half asleep and I climb into my car wishing my long joggers weren't in the wash and that I had put a long sleeve T shirt on. Light is brightening the sky and I have been awake for a while, long enough to have had breakfast but I'm wondering why i had agreed to this. And, then Ali greets me with her beaming smile and within seconds we're giggling over how silly this is. We can barely make headway against the wind but we're determined and once we turn a corner the wind drops a little and we're off.
I have lots of running partners, most have two legs but as I posted here last time one has four. My runs with each of them are very different and this I like. I get bored very easily and I like the different routes and different styles very much. Today we are following Ali's running schedule which has us running for three minutes and walking for one which we do whilst we cover almost 4.5 KM.
I particularly like running at Longrun Meadows as it's a series of crisscrossing trails on the edge of Taunton. The trails are soft underfoot and easy on the feet and knees, especially so today as it was particularly muddy in places. Generally the people are friendly and pleasant and today the many dogs were completely uninterested in us!
I particularly like running with Ali because she makes me laugh. She always makes me laugh. We put the world to rights. We have a good moan. We compare ailments. And most of all she always makes me feel good. We meet again in a fortnight when the schedule should see us running for 6/7 minutes and walking for one. We plan to start Parkruns at Killerton in March and when the weather is a little more stable and kinder we are going to walk/run the Bridgwater to Taunton Canal. There Ali, it's in writing, we have to do it now!!!

Sunday 15 January 2012

Running with the dog...

Or actually more of a run, sudden stop, sniff, run, walk, run jerk to the left (or right) sniff and other unmentionables! Polly dog is my parent's golden retriever and she is daft. Plain and simple really, daft! Mum and Dad have had a somewhat busy and tiring week so I decided today to combine my run with Polly - multi tasking, it's what we're good at us girls.

A few weeks back I had walked Polly around a 4 mile route from their home, in wellies and I was keen to redo the route with my iPod so I could measure the distance and record my pace etc. It was a gorgeous Sunday morning, not too cold and bright sunshine peeping over the hedges, this time I was in my proper kit, outdoor trainers (which means the muddy pair) and iPod, except said iPod refused to work, dead battery. So, we did the route again but still I have no stats.

To start Polly was ahead of me but come the end she was behind me, have I mentioned I'm a little competitive? She is used to taking her walks at pace, Dad cycles and she follows so I didn't feel too bad about making her trot along the lanes. Upon our return she walked past her water bowl straight into her basket and lay down with a big humph and gave me a look which may have said "Never again." Four hours later I had need to text Mum who dutifully replied and then informed me Polly was still asleep having only moved from basket to the front of the fire. Success then I guess, just a shame I haven't had two minutes to do the same!

Saturday 7 January 2012

Nerdy Stats!

Thursday - 5.5 km = 3.2 miles in 38.36 minutes at an average pace of 7.06 per km burning 350 calories.
Today - 7.08 km = 4.39 miles in 50. 32 minutes at an average pace of 7.07 per km burning 481 calories.

In 2011 on average I:

ran twice a week
ran 8km a week
my pace was 7.19 per km

My longest run was 11.11 km = 6.9 miles
My fastest km was 5.10 minutes.
I burned 27,518 calories.
I ran 406 km.
I run most on a Sunday and in the afternoons.

Room for Improvement - I'll see what I can do!


Monday 2 January 2012

New Year Recovery Run

Happy New Year,

Recovering from 2 very large homemade G & Ts, the best part of a bottle of New Zealand Merlot and 2 glasses of Bolly you understand not a marathon or even a 10K but a self inflicted hangover! I'm not a drinker, the meds I take mean I mustn't but on occasions such as this the tablets got left in the drawer and I indulged. I had spent 3 days cooking and we had great company so it had to be done. And it will not be done again for quite some time to come I might add. Today is my New Year's Day as I did not see very much of the proper day and what I did see was viewed from the sofa and only if seeing anything meant not moving my head.

I had set myself the challenge to run on New Year's Day as this would be my first outing for many weeks. And, as today is MY New Year's Day I achieved my challenge. It was hard. It was very hard. I understand why and how we lose our fitness but it's so sad after all that previous effort to be once again back at the beginning. I was determined not to walk any of the selected circuit and I didn't, although some of the jogged bits were definitely not much more than a quick walk. The sun was shining which is  always a help, the lanes muddy but I didn't get wet feet until almost on the home straight and it was cold. Cold enough to hurt when breathing in however that did make me take a bit of extra care to try and breathe in through the nose and not gasp in mouthfuls of cold straight to my chest!

After a very hard start I began to remember why I run, I get a really good feeling within me, and after a break I always always chastise myself for allowing the sofa to become more important to me than the great outdoors. I covered 4.5 miles in 50 minutes, not bad for me, I'll never break any records, but I was out there, I did wobble off a little of the Christmas fat and I can't wait to do it again tomorrow.

I am now looking forward to taking part in Park Runs at Killerton with my running buddy Ali, she posted on Facebook that her new year's resolution was to run more and that yes she was going to start taking part in the Park Run 5Ks, so there we have it, our running challenge for the new year. I'll let you know how we get on.