Thursday 21 November 2013

New Recruit

I would like to report that I have been running regularly, that I have lost a stone in weight and that my diet is super healthy.

However that would be a total lie.

My running is at a serious all time low. My running manual says I need to be motivated and I do have a really good reason to shift this weight but I seem to have lost my running buzz. This extra stone, which could actually be more than a stone but I refuse to weigh is really slowing me down. Recent photos of me out on the road show a definite body shape change that I do not like. All my stats seem to be showing anything but improvement and I am queen of excuses.

No matter how hard I try to make sensible eating choices if I'm consciously watching my food intake I repeatedly find myself just popping into Maccy D's for a treat, having just one (or two) humbugs and rejecting my carefully planned gluten free lunch in favour of a trip to Barry the Baker. A thick slathering of butter on toast for breakfast becomes the mainstay of dark mornings spent snuggled in bed reading on my iPad because it's too cold and dark to get up.  

Why am I doing this to myself? I am baffled. Up until not so very many months ago I had been completely tea total for several years, but can I stop now, NO. Not so long back I was running every other day without fail and included proper stretching and everything. Once I was able to stop lifting the fork to my mouth as soon as full was reached. I have to get back to that.

I ran last Saturday's Longrun Parkrun with the lovely Donna. We completed the course in 33 minutes. She has wondered if we can do it in under 30. Oh how I would love to. So there's a challenge and a motivation.

Today I ran after school with Gill. Whilst I was getting ready she managed to enrol a new recruit. Kirsty joined our school team in September, she is young and she has long legs. Gill is also tall, she is older than me but she can run faster than me. Surely being able to keep up with these two has to be another motivation.

I have just 24 days to get myself sorted. I can't say why but it is very important that I do. This is my major motivation I have to succeed. Losing a stone is probably not possible now but I can make a significant difference to the fit of my wardrobe. I have written it so I have to do it.

Please help me.    

Sunday 20 October 2013

Longrun Parkrun

I have quite a few friends that had already taken part in the Longrun Parkrun and this Saturday my lovely Saturday running partner Ali gave me leave to take part. No amount of cajoling was going to persuade Ali to join me but as she is recovering from a chest infection she really needed to be resting.

I was very nervous on my way into town. Does anybody else worry about silly things like will there be a parking spot? I don't know why I let these small things get the better of me. Oh and will there be a loo? No of course not, and I wont need one anyway so stop adding to  unnecessary and pointless stress.  
Where do I go and where is the start? Strangely enough it will be where all the other people are heading and surely there will be marshals to ask.

As usual I quickly found people I know and we had a natter. We were called together for the usual info about Parkrunning and for a plea for volunteers to help out. Just over 200 of us headed to the start and I placed myself somewhere in the middle of the pack, on the track, no grass for me thank you. After a bottleneck right at the beginning of the run we soon spread out and the proper athletes could be seen streaking ahead. I was determined to put in as much effort as I could muster but it took a while to get my breathing under control. I hadn't run since the 10K and I was expecting this to be fairly easy. It wasn't.

We had been warned about MUD on the course and I was trotting along thinking the middling sized puddles I was jumping and dodging were fine but then I came to the MUDDY section. It was possible to see that this part of the track is in fact grass however all signs of grass was quickly disappearing under a sea of gloopy mud. I don't do MUD. I hate MUD. It squelched into my trainers. I ploughed on, literally and was very glad to get back onto terra firmer. It's not just the revoltingness of MUD that I dislike it's also that one slip and I would be on my backside, my balance being what it is cannot be relied upon to aid with such disasters. Plus my coccyx would not survive another fall.

I was so pleased to see Ali waiting on the bend that signaled the start of the second lap. I thrust my jacket at her whilst fumbling in the pocket to get my barcode. No barcode = no time. Onto the second lap. Having to lap is not my idea of fun at all and just as I got into my stride my loose lace called for attention. I knew I was putting in some good effort because as I came back up to continue running I had a dizzy. For the next few minutes this took my mind of the pain of running whilst I pondered over the dizzy spell and prayed it wouldn't develop into anything more sinister.

I took right to the edge of the slippy section in the hope of getting some grip on the mangled grass. This second lap hurt. It was hard. I was seriously wondering why on earth I do this running malarky. I so wanted to walk. I didn't walk. I  kept going, I couldn't catch anybody, I couldn't overtake. Not strictly true, I did pass a few parents with their young children but they quickly regained their places ahead of me. I don't think I managed to pass anybody the whole way round!

Finally the end was nigh, sprint finish? Not today, not an ounce of anything left in the tank. So Mr Higham I must have put in all the effort on the run? I joined the queue with my number, 168 out of 200 or so. Ali came to my side and congratulated me. I felt sick. I vowed never to do another run again.

I had no idea the lovely Mrs Higham was behind me, and she joined Ali and me as we were talking to her family. If only I had known she was there I could have run with her. The best bit  for me about Parkruns is the lovely table of stats they produce. I could be pleased to say I came thirteenth for my age group however I have no idea how many of us were in that age group! I also know that I ran at 49% for  my age, not quite sure how this works but I know I was in a fairly good place on the table but there is room for improvement.

Driving home and I had already changed my mind about running again. Of course I will. I've even volunteered to sort the number counters after a parkrun next month! Will I get Ali to join me? Of course I will!  

Saturday 5 October 2013

Taunton 10K 2013

Last Sunday I took part in the Taunton 10K race. Leading up to the day my training had not gone as well as I had hoped. Work had been (and continues to be) incredibly busy and finding the energy to run had been hard. Come the morning I was very jittery, I only wanted to get round in a decent time and without walking.

I met friends, some taking part and others giving plenty of encouragement. My photo was taken several times and thankfully a pre race happy picture graced the pages of our local gazette later in the week. I had words with my journalist friend Phil taking him to task about his tweet of 'less fit' entrants finishing within 90 minutes. I reminded him about age, length of leg, experience al causes for those of us at the back of the pack to finish more slowly, and I'm sure all of those finishing ahead of me must be fitter than me but the use of the word 'less' made me feel somewhat inferior.  

Fi left me and her sister Sarah somewhere in the middle of the 650 entrants so that she could find her speedier running partners. Excellent weather conditions removed my usual problem of jacket or no jacket and before I knew it we were off. My first kilometer went very well and turned out to be my fastest for the course. I knew I was going faster than my normal plod as my breathing was coming in gasps. Sarah was gradually moving ahead of me and I was on my own.

Along South Road a friendly cyclist with camera made himself known, a photographer FB friend that I had not met before. Clayton followed me around the course and took some pleasing shots. Most of the time he snapped me on an uphill and the resulting pictures looks like I'm posing for an action shot but I don't actually look like I'm moving! Never once did it look like both my feet left the ground at the same time unlike the fab shot he captured of the winner Luke Scott. How he gets his feet that high off the ground I just don't know!

My lovely husband stood in his usual spots to cheer me on and to take some snaps himself. A lace problem when turning into Stoke Road had me stopping for a moment and my lovely friend Donna shouted words of encouragement and pleased me by saying I was nowhere near the back. Oh how that would soon change! Her lovely husband Andy was way ahead of me already.

I felt like my run was going well and thought I might be on for a good time. I managed to run the whole way and even picked up my pace in several places. Always dashed by an uphill that pace soon reverted to my normal plod. Through the back of Stoke I could see my Running Forever friend Pat, I think we were probably going at about the same pace but try as I might I just couldn't catch her. Out through Haydon, a stretch that seems to go on forever I was feeling good and was really looking forward to the last kilometer. Up over the M5 and a lovely downhill to stretch out those legs. Onto Chestnut Drive, this bit always catches me out, I always think I'm nearer the end than I am! People in the way, come on folks, there's a race going on, I nearly fell over a chap pushing a bike, how they cannot know they were all wandering in the middle of a race I'll never know.

The home stretch, I heard cheering, I couldn't make out the time on the clock, I heard Laura shouting, her husband finished way ahead of me! I made out the time, I was slow, I was so so disappointed. Oh well, sprint finish if you please, I love to sprint finish and by gum sprint I did!

Fi met me at the line, she did it in less than the hour, I am so pleased for her. Her sister also also made the hour. Even in my wildest dreams I will never make it in under an hour! My time was not my fastest, nor my slowest but I am disappointed. Three minutes slower than last year.

For about three days after I was convinced that enough is enough and that I would never do this run again. But Fi had reminded me of a plan for us to do the Taunton half marathon next April so my thinking cap is on. I was quite demoralized after this run. I need to get quicker. I need to run twice this distance. I need to be able to do this by April. I need a plan...


Sunday 22 September 2013

Running Advice Please

Next Sunday I am taking part in the Taunton 10K race.

In recent months I have been running almost every other day or so.

I have been increasing my distances up to 15K.

I have only run once in the past fortnight due to work.

This morning I ran just over 10K and it was the worst run I have ever done. During the middle third I felt physically sick and was desperate for someone I knew to drive by me and give me a lift home.

I was planning to run twice this coming week, but should I?

How many times should I run?

When should I run?

How far should I run?

If you can advise me I would be very grateful.

Thank you.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Autumn Attire

Sadly I reverted to my winter running kit for this morning's early outing with Ali. My shoulders and legs will soon return to their usual shade of uninteresting pale. I even wore my jacket and my feet got wet.

Hopefully I shall get home from work a couple of times next week in time to get out in the last sunshine of the day should we be lucky enough to have just a little bit more. I'm actually not done with summer yet. Misty mornings are beautiful but it will only take about another week before all my cardigans are piled up on my desk chair. Nor am I ready to relight the Aga, we're still sleeping with the window wide open (blessed power surges) but it's getting tricky to know what to wear as once out of bed the house feels a tad chilly.

The Taunton 10K is fast approaching, I'm doing some good distance as I'm trying to make the race distance seem easier but my pace is terrible, if I go any slower I'll have to do the course in reverse! Never mind, getting out there is the important bit.

This working week has quite frankly been manic. Yesterday I didn't sit at my PC to start my planned work until almost midday. By the time I had sorted all the left over problems from the day before and then the new problems from that morning and walked the length of the school goodness knows how many times I was exhausted. I ploughed on planning to keep going until 'the pile' had at least been sorted. However my darling DiL texted to ask if I would be home straight after work. You bet I would, computer off, paperwork forgotten, woosh bang I was outta there.

A three hour cuddle with my baby granddaughter Sophia and a Smarties McFlurry, what  a way to start the weekend.

Have a good one x

Monday 19 August 2013

New Generation

My darling granddaughter was born on August 14th, late in the evening after a long and hard labour.

She is quite simply perfect.

I adore her and shall be forever thankful to my wonderful daughter in law and son for creating her and sharing her with us.

Sophia Rose is at the top of my priorities, everything else will need to wait.

(I did manage a 15km run this morning, but not until I had seen her dear little sleepy face)

Very happy Nanna x

Monday 5 August 2013

Squeezing, Stretching and Skipping

Met Matthew, baby son of Wenz and John who live in Tanzania
Hair cut by the lovely Michaela
Curry with friends
Meal at my favourite restaurant Augustus with friends
Visited the MiL
Partly home made pizzas with family
Visited Fi, Isla and Fin in their lovely new home
Helped build an Ikea bed (not understanding the instructions and passing the screws is a vital part of furniture construction!)
Coffee and cake at Mr Miles with a friend who emigrated to New Zealand and that I last saw 30 years ago
Cooked a Jamie Oliver tea

Cribbs Causeway shopping with my sister Toria
Cream tea in Thornbury with Toria
Booked Taunton 10K race for September
Honiton Show with Mum and Dad
Meal out with Steve, Mum and Dad
Photography day with Ali, visited A La Ronde and Exmouth

Cream tea at Darts Farm
Visited the Donkey Sanctuary
Looked at new cars, discounted the Mercedes, beautiful though it is!

Shopped and got soaking wet at Bath
Had a lemon curd Sally Lunn Bun and cup of tea at Sally Lunn's 
Stayed at The Best Western Centurion in Midsomer Norton and had a delicious meal in their Cubos restaurant
Visited Kilver Court in Shepton Mallet
Shopped at Waitrose in Wells
Visited the MiL
Indian meal with the family
Skipped my scheduled run for a much needed lie in
Chores, paperwork, school work and cinema later to keep me busy today

All of the above in 13 days! I have also been cleaning, washing, ironing etc etc etc. The eagle eyed will have spotted that I have been squeezing in my runs, and in an attempt to support my running buddy Ali I have been very good and have been stretching after every run, it pays off and I promise to keep up the good work.

I have a very long walk planned for tomorrow with my friend Elsa so if you don't mind I'll be skipping a run tomorrow too!

Sunday 21 July 2013

Two more get ups

I am very pleased to report that I am continuing to manage a run every other day even in this magnificent heat wave. In fact, I think I quite like running in these temperatures. Even when I'm drained of all energy and can hardly put one foot in front of the other.

This week Running Forever had to wait for me, I almost ran the whole way but it was a slow old trudge! I was grumpy Friday evening when I set off UP through Thurlbear Woods, I walked a little but there were lots of walkers and riders and I managed to keep going when in view of them. Once home my grumpiness had gone. This morning I tried to get out before the heat was high, however a late night last night put the kaibosh on that plan. The tarmac was hot and every breeze was gratefully received.

Tomorrow is the last day for children to be in school and thankfully it's a mufti day so shorts and sleeveless top will be the order of the day. I have a million things to do. I really don't know where to start. I think maybe today I should have gone out and purchased a fan, a big one! Oh well I'll keep plodding until the job is done.

The final get up is for the inservice day on Tuesday. A mammoth task lies ahead. An impossible task lies ahead. Much building is happening at school. Many rooms are being swapped and changed for new uses. I have to completely take apart the computer suite where I currently work. I cannot move the computers to their new locations as their new locations are not ready. I cannot move into my new work space as even when the room is empty I have to wait for my new desks to be made. There is nowhere to put anything. It is going to be quite a conundrum.

After work I am meeting up with my lovely friend who lives in Tanzania. I will also get to meet her third son, Matthew. And that evening my next run is planned. So maybe you'll forgive me for my first day of the summer holiday plan...

On Wednesday I am doing nothing. Except for sitting or lying in the shade of our wild willow tree with an iced drink, my iPad, book and magazine. If you need me, I probably wont hear you. With the exception of Vicki of course, if she calls I'll be out of here at top speed!

Thursday 4 July 2013

Thoughts From Today...

I am not going to save my best clothes any more, I'm going to wear them.

Firefighters are incredibly brave and amazing people.

No matter how much technology improves it will still let you down when you need it.

If a child is not interested in the end result, no amount of encouragement or cajoling will result in them completing the task.

The contents of my numerous work to do lists cannot be completed before the end of term.

I will be wearing flat shoes tomorrow.

A run after work is simply the best way to relax.

(There should be a photograph here of the incredible fire fighters that visited school today but as technology let me down I was unable to download the image from an iPad, Que sera, sera.)

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Running Forever

This evening I ran as an official member of the Taunton Running Forever Running Club. And, I was brave enough to go on my own! Tina was busy, Fi is mid house move, Gill too had other plans and although I sat in my car in the car park for a good while plucking up the courage to get out, I did eventually do so.

As the runners gathered I just knew that they were all much faster than myself and I was desperate to see a face from the slower group I was hoping to trek out with. At last the group leader appeared and I tied my car key to my shoe, decision made, I was staying.

It was 23.5 degrees and we decided to head out to the canal in the hope of catching a breeze. One of the faster groups also started this route and I was very pleased I wasn't trying to keep up with them. Ali and me had run along this path at the weekend and were saddened that a pair of swans only had one living cygnet, their second offspring lay on the bank sadly having breathed its last. This evening the pair were apart and neither seemed to have a cygnet with them. I was delighted upon reaching Bathpool to discover another pair with nine babies still had nine. Nine beauties beginning to loose their fluffy down, hopefully on my next outing with Ali we shall see them turning magnificently white.

I took my turn at the back, thankfully this time out of choice not necessity, I spent several sections cruising along in the middle of the pack but best of all I led on several sections. Striding out feels good, coming from the back to the front even better. It was a run of many parts, a little bit of walking and a lot of effort. A great bunch of ladies and a lovely way to spend a summer evening.

If you live in my area you might be interested to know that the running club are going to be supporting a new Park Run to be held on Saturday mornings at Long Run Meadow. I'm very pleased about this as our nearest Park Run has been Killerton and although it is a beautiful 5K run it is a bit of a way to travel.

Also, Running Forever are starting a group for complete beginners, watch their website for information. Come and join me, you know you want to!

Now, if you'll excuse me my bangers and mash awaits.


Sunday 9 June 2013

Polly Pocket

Yesterday Steve and me took Rob and Vicki to Lyme Regis. Robert had proclaimed that he had never been there and Vicki said she hadn't either. We knew Rob had been as a boy but we thought it would make for a lovely day out and it did.

We set out early(ish) and managed to park at the bottom thus avoiding that long, steep climb at the end of the day. There was a steady chilly breeze as we walked along The Cobb and I was very grateful that I had worn a jacket. As the crowds gathered the temperature rose and we walked all along the front visiting the fossil/fish/tourist shops as we went.

Change was got in the amusement arcade and I enjoyed a moment or two of being up 10p down 10p as I slid my tuppences into the tipping point machine. Steve was studying the horse racing game and after a few minutes I decided the time was right to bet on the outside chance, we netted £2.50 each on that 10p bet! Liking pound coins in my purse I enquired at the cash desk if they changed coins in reverse and I soon had 2 extra gold coins in my palm. I decided to risk all with the 5 ten pences and played the up and down game once more until the fifty pence had joined all the other coins of the players before me.

After lunch the boys ventured out onto the high seas, for a spot of mackerel fishing whilst us girls spent an hour dipping in and out of the delightful array of shops. Much ooing and aaing took place in the baby shop but we didn't manage to spend any money! I did buy myself a cotton sun dress that is so unlike anything I normally wear that I'm not sure I shall ever where it anywhere other than when I am at home by myself!

I was impressed that I was able to buy gluten free ice cream but foolishly forgot to ask for a gluten free cone. At Barleymows farm shop on our journey home I managed to buy delicious gluten free sausages for our BBQ but forgot to get gluten free rolls. Those soft white squidgy finger rolls that encase suasages and onions so nicely tempted me and I could not resist. Stupidly I devoured two.  We had a lovely evening enjoying the evening sunshine and a tipple or two or three. We even managed to do all the clearing up before we went to bed!

I awoke this morning in a bit of a state, brain fog, stiff limbs, unable to see and a promise to deliver items to Mum's at 9 a.m. and a plan to run. The dreaded gluten had got the better of me but I battled on, it will not win. Steve ferried me to the parents and as I had my fluorescent jacket on Polly Dog gave me the best of greetings ever. She obviously thought she was coming on a run with me. I did wonder if Mum and Dad had teased her into an expectant hope of doing so! She sat grinning at me constantly nudging at my arm in an attempt to get me going. I suggested she came with me to save Dad having to take her out for her morning walk, it would also save Mum the afternoon shift as a good 5 mile trot would suffice. My only provision was that they came and picked her up from mine as I couldn't manage both ways!

Off we went. My goodness the start was hard. I seriously thought about turning back as my legs just would not cooperate. Polly was ahead of me and keen to take off but it was me that was slowing her down. I could not breathe, it was hot I did not want to do it. I would not give in and Polly stayed right by my pocket, we kept going, I decided as no records were going to be broken and that as I couldn't contact anybody I had to get going and I had to get home. We took things very gently on the inclines and enjoyed the ease of the declines. About half way home I fell into my stride and I really began to enjoy the run. Just looking at Polly's beautiful brown eyes, she really does smile and seeing that her tail was constantly wagging was enough to get us there.

I am very lucky to have so many running companions. They all offer a different experience and take me on very different routes. I am very grateful to them all for keeping me going, especially on the toughest runs.

I would love to own this pretty pink cottage on the sea front at Lyme.

Monday 3 June 2013

What I Call "Menopause"

There I was, struggling along, legs full of lead, glorious June sunshine beating down, my body temperature already well into the red when suddenly an additional heat surge encompasses my whole being. How this was possible is a mystery. I sought relief on the shady side of the lane to await the certain spontaneous combustion.

These episodes happen quite frequently but I had not experienced such an intense heat-wave whilst already too hot! I bravely made it to the top of the hill by which point my face matched the cerise of my t shirt. Gradually the inner glow eased and it was now down hill all the way home.

Before me lay the most inviting woodland track, dappled sunshine, birds twittering and a gentle breeze to entice me homewards. I'd like to report that I ran the rest of my route, but the run my legs were allowing this morning was not the run I had planned in my head. I knew when I woke after several 'five more minutes' that the brain fog was present and the weight of my legs proved once again that gluten is the food of the Devil. I am my own worse enemy. I will try harder.

I am quietly terrified of my next run,  a date with my good friend Tina at running club on Wednesday evening. Wish me luck!

Sunday 26 May 2013


It was suggested this morning by a lovely friend that I was posing!

This morning I posted on Facebook that I had my running kit on and the dear friend was impressed that I was heading out of the door with a hangover. I had to come clean, yes I had the kit on but I hadn't actually said I was going for a run! She suggested I was posing. Indeed I am a poser.  

And now I have been caught out. My nom de plume (there I go again, now I'm pretending to be an author) has far more substance with the ending than the beginning. I masquerade as a runner but am far more duck like waddling around the beautiful country lanes around my village.

I drank far too much merlot yesterday and when I awoke this morning there was only one thing for it, I had to get that kit on and at some point I had to get out into the lanes and run it off. I did leave it a bit late as the sun was mighty hot at 11 a.m. I'm not complaining and it was only during the second half of my 7K outing that it began to bother me. The first half passed incredibly quickly and I was actually puzzling over how copious amounts of red wine could possibly give this kind of performance. And then I ran out of steam and the good pace set thus far was wiped out by a recurring need to walk even the slightest of inclines. Never mind, the job was done and I did indeed feel better for the effort.

The first of yesterday's merlot was accompanied by great friends and the most delicious steak I have ever eaten at my current favourite restaurant, Augustus. I'm almost loathe to recommend it as it's not huge and getting a table can be difficult. But should you visit, Richard Guest and the team will not disappoint. A little retail therapy followed and I indulged myself with the purchase of a beautiful green skirt in White Stuff. Far too expensive for sure and I can already hear my Mum tutting whilst she looks at it in great detail wondering how on earth they can charge that for that!

We spent the afternoon in a pavement cafe somewhere in the Med. Oh no hang on we were actually in Taunton but wow it was gloriously hot and a delightful way to spend a Saturday afternoon. The piece de resistance of our day was a trip on the West Somerset Railway. Pulled along by a magnificent huffing and puffing green beast through the beautiful countryside a murder mystery unfolded around us. We had no idea what we were doing trying to unravel the clues but had great fun interviewing Mrs Bouffet Carr, Mr Sidney Siding and Miss May Bee. We did correctly identify Miss May Bee as the murderer but we couldn't put together a clear reason why!

All in all I am thoroughly enjoying this glorious bank holiday weekend. Sadly tomorrow I have to do the VAT. I hope it rains. All good things must end!    

Saturday 18 May 2013

Personal Best

I have just run 10 miles.

I am over the moon.

That's all.

Very happy of Taunton 8)

Thursday 16 May 2013

Blue Sky Thinking

No idea what that means but as I was running up through the woods this afternoon I was mesmerised by the glimpses of glorious blue peeping through the canopy. It was a perfect afternoon for a mind clearing run and boy did I need a mind clearing run.

I kind of erupted in a massive explosion of anger yesterday. Sadly Mr B bore the brunt of this outpouring. Unfortunately, at one point he suggested I ought to chill a bit, the volcano spewed forth more ugly shouted words accompanied by much foot stamping, with the odd sorry thrown in for good measure to let him know that it was just bad luck that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time to be in the path of this hot and dangerous flow.

Work has been flat out this term, no time to stop for a moment. Mostly this is fine and if you want something doing be sure to ask a busy person to make sure it gets done. But, and it's a big but, there is only so much a person can do and sometimes, just sometimes what you're asking for you could do for yourself. I do love my job, I like very much to be busy, but oh for a space with a lock on the door!

After work things went from bad to worse. I visited my mother in law at the home where she lives. Mr B and me are desperately trying to make life good for her, she has dementia. She can be argumentative and every sentence she speaks starts with no. She can be very rude to the staff and the other people she lives with. Sometimes its very difficult to work out who or what she is talking about. Visits can be very stressful and we're not far into this evil disease yet so anticipate that things can only get worse. It is all too hard. I spent four hours with her, chatting, keeping her company over tea, sorting out with staff yet another infection, fetching and delivering the required prescription and persuading her to take a bath and helping staff so that she would.

I tried extremely hard  driving home to extinguish my negative thoughts of how she continues to dominate our lives. But I failed.

I had a much better day today, off timetable at work to meet and greet candidates arriving for interview.  I spent time with a colleague I rarely get chance to chat with and because the sun was shining I raced home after work to kick off my too high for work posh shoes, pull on my comfy trainers and headed out the door.

Tomorrow is another day...      

Sunday 12 May 2013

The Boys Are Back In Town

In more ways than one!

I was up bright and early, well early, maybe not quite so bright and was out of the door just after eight. It was minty fresh and I didn't wear my dayglo jacket. Best thing to do, get running and get warmed up. Last weekend I managed an 8.5 mile outing, I didn't run all of it but i was delighted to be back out there pounding the lanes and pavements. Today's run entailed more running, less walking but about half the mileage of last Sunday.

I was delighted to spot the return of the swallows, near to their usual spot but as their farm has had recent building works and new occupants including a big brown labrador they were further down the lane and I wasn't able to work out where they are nesting. I only saw one swooping low over the lane and hedge but there's no mistaking that elegant sweep of wing. Truth be told I saw them first two weeks back at Taunton Races. Several of the magnificent little creatures were feeding on the wing along the race track. Fortunately not when thundering hooves were galloping through.

Yesterday Mr Burgess and me had a relaxing day off. Not having any plans for the day we played our left right game to see where we would end up. One of my turns led us to turn north onto the M5. Mr B decided he didn't wish to visit Bridgwater so we carried on until a brown sign suggested Clarke's Village. Being a grey and drizzly day and that I had a few bits and bobs to buy we turned off. Next a bright yellow 'look at me' sign advertised a massive antiques and collectables fair at Shepton Mallet. Mr B made a quick phone call to Pilgrims at Lovington and our day was favourably planned.

First stop, a spot of shopping. Gentlemen, look away now. I have always considered myself perfectly capable of buying the correct size for my upper undergarments but I have recently had difficulty in getting the fit right. My lady lumps do increase and reduce regularly but at this time we are at the former end of the statement and I fear gravity is being very unkind. With a little help I was astounded to discover my band size needed reducing by one size and the cup size upping by three! Dear Lord what on Earth have I done to deserve this? My recent attempt at dieting just will not result in shrinkage of my appendages. A Wonder Bra add with my good self would currently create havoc on the roads!

Lunch at Pilgrims never disappoints although we have only managed to get a table twice before, hence Mr B's quick phone call. I succumbed to fish and chips, not any fish and chips you understand, but by 'eck the best I've ever had. (*Whispers, followed by lemon posset with a blackcurrant compote, shhhhh)

No money was spent at the antiques fair although our eyes were turned by a pair of orange leather and chrome 60s chairs, a glossy brown Italian leather handbag and some 1920/30s glass and rolled gold necklaces. I am now looking at the perfect spot for the chairs and wishing we had paid them a little more attention. I'll not mention this to Mr B.

My next runs are planned for Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. There, I've written it, I have to do it!

Until next time I'll leave you with...

Tuesday 30 April 2013

The Roller Coaster Run

Up, up, up,

Pant, pant, pant,



Stagger, stumble, trip,


All the way down, down, down,


Rest, walk, jog,


And breathe...


All the way down,

And home.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Naughty Boys (and Girls)

Tiger Woods lied. He asked if I was feeling great, I had just completed another 500K so I must be feeling great. Paula Radcliffe lied last week, she said I had completed another 500K too. I don't think my Nike+ chip is working quite right. I had in fact just completed 5.7K today. A hard slog of a slow run. In fact the only thing worth mentioning about todays effort was the amount of time it took for my ipod to connect to the Nike+ web site to upload my stats upon m y return. All those London Marathon runners were far more worthy than myself to get their results logged. Well done to each and every one of them.

In other news...

Two seven year old boys tested my patience this week. Of course they were being inquisitive children and exploring the software we were using, just what we want, being creative and thinking for themselves, but, upon discovery of them being off task I explained again what I needed them to do, why I needed them to do it and the importance of me being able to see that they could do the task so that I could challenge them further with harder (and potentially) more exciting tasks. Clearly this approach didn't work as minutes later they had manage to divert half the class to alternative activities!

Merlin either picked a fight or selected lunch with a creature that was stronger and or bigger than himself. His nose is one big scabby mess and he is not pretty. Max, on the other hand was the victor in his hunting expedition and still doesn't understand that bringing the limp and bloody furry bodies home is not obligatory. In this case i do not need to see what he is capable of. And, he has been wandering in the lane nonchalantly ignoring my shouts and cries to get himself back in the fields. Cats!

The naughtiest boys of my week were on stage at the Bristol Hippodrome. Bare bottoms, outrageous costumes, much rudeness and swearing. What a night. I cried with laughter from start to finish. I sang along with all the songs and managed to resist my constant urge to shout out "I still love you Jason!"
If you have the chance to see Priscilla, Queen of the Desert I urge you to do so.


Until next time...

Monday 1 April 2013

Here I go again...

If I had waited any longer for a headache, earache, sore throat, dizzy, runny nose free day I would be running with a zimmer frame. So it was in long legs, long sleeves and hat and gloves I set out along my faithful and friendly lanes. April Fools Day and this fool is still having dreams of taking part in the Taunton half marathon, not this year and before I'm 50 which leaves me with next April. Come on Burgess, you can do it.

Each intake of icy April air chilled my lungs, no spring sunshine to warm my bones, feathers and fur hiding in nests and burrows. Only R.E.M. to cheer me. Drumbeats matching the pounding in my skull. Half way nose wipe. Feels like a good pace, the stats will tell. To think I was going to stop recording the details, you must be joking, every step to be counted and recorded and pondered upon.

No fair, half way up the hill and I came face to face with the milk tanker beast. This lane aint big enough for the both of us. Can't squeeze by, can't get in the hedge, no reverse gear selected, down I retreat, all the way, right back to the bottom. Cheery wave of thanks, deep breath taken, plod on, plod, on, plod on, to the summit and back to the flat.

Easter Monday lawns being mowed, cars being vacuumed, horses ridden, pub stirring, new union flag flying, a runner, a runner, a runner, quick fall into step behind, last leg, keep going. Too quick for me, keep him in sight at least, not a chance! My home, my lovely home.

It's good to be back x      

Sunday 13 January 2013

Welly Walk

As far as being a welly walk that was a huge disappointment. Very little water was to be found. Considering our village had reverted to being an island once more by yesterday evening I expected to put my wellington boots to good use.

Yesterday afternoon Penenlope Sunshine struggled to get us through the lake like puddles on our journey home and I did think we would be parking her at the nearest houses and asking our son to come and get us in his big truck.  But she got us through, slow and steady on our third choice of route and we made it home.

I had already decided that my thigh strain would mean I could not do my planned Taunton 10K route this weekend and that I would walk the route and take some photos instead. I was delighted when I got up this morning to discover that we were in for a sunny Sunday and my 2 hr trek was a treat. I took my long lens and found gates and tress to lean on in my attempt to get an in focus long range shot. I tried to capture some birds in the lofty heights of trees but mostly managed to shoot beautiful blue sky and branches.

This was my first outing with my new Christmas present polarizing filter and carrying both lenses. I got myself in quite a pickle changing lenses, back lens covers, front lens caps and filters, it's not easy with only 2 hands and coat pockets with holes in the linings!

47 pictures taken and nothing special to share but I will leave you with this photograph of the biggest puddle I came across.

Friday 11 January 2013

Adding Insult to Injury

On Wednesday evening I joined the assembled runners in a local running group. I may have mentioned The Whippet before, there she was, all beautiful blonde petiteness and my heart sank. This would mean a fast pace. I asked one of the other woman if the group to our left was the next group down, she replied that it was but to stay with them, they wouldn't leave me behind. I was seriously contemplating reducing my ambition and moving to the slower paced group when my usual group took off. And I mean took off at high speed. I soon found myself not quite at the back of the pack but realising I should have jumped ship and now it was too late.

A slight incline and a loose lace put me right at the back and feeling very down. Come on head down, the first mile is always, always the worst. The group leader joined me at the back to check if I was the back runner, as if she needed to ask. A slight breather at the crossing of a roundabout but my decision was made, if they were going straight on at the next roundabout I was not.

Kindly, two other runners agreed to join me on a shorter route. We three took off and I very quickly knew I was just not able to do it. No matter how hard I tried, the quick start had finished me off. I was planning on taking the next left and heading back to my car. My new partners had other ideas and I feared they would not allow me to run back on my own and I did not wish to shorten their outing further so I dug in and tried to find an ounce of energy from somewhere. However by the next turning enough was enough and I left them to go through a short cut. They soon rejoined me as I was hobbling/jogging back to the start and the relief of horse power to get me home.

I limped through Thursday seemingly having pulled or strained my right thigh and calf. I was very downhearted about the whole episode. I have to resign myself to the fact that I have to join the next group down. This was not in my grand plan.

The insult? I wasn't needed for my usual Friday morning duties. No problem there, in fact very useful. However it would have been nice to have been in the loop instead of a forgotten team member who wouldn't have known anything about it had I not gone to speak to the team leader about my already done plans.

Is it not quite interesting that at the beginning of this very week a training day highlighted communication as an error requiring attention?

Have a great weekend.

Saturday 5 January 2013

Ruffle Revival

My body clock is rebelling like it has never rebelled before. I cajole, encourage and argue with myself to get out of bed in the dark and gloom of this never ending winter. No matter how hard I try it is not natural to get out of bed accompanied by artificial light. I have no idea how I am going to get to work on time on Monday. A two week holiday is a joy at the beginning and a nightmare at the end.

However I have a date, I have already pushed our meet up time back half an hour and this is a very welcome compromise to our usual start time of 8 a.m. Eventually I leave the house, text Ali that I am on my way and and head in to town. Pausing at traffic lights I ponder the wiseness of the snug cocoon I have made my car. Warm air circulates my bare shins and keeps life in my icy fingers. I also note that 9 degrees is a perfectly acceptable if somewhat abnormal temperature for January and not really cold at all.

Ali jumps in and we decide to head for the canal. Hopefully the water from the parallel river is once more within it's own banks and that the tow path is not too slippy slidey with mud. This will be my second run of the year and Ali's third, but she tells me she has also been cycling and swimming this week, I think of the sitting, eating and socialising I have been doing and think I might struggle to keep up.

Between us we need two hands to list our ailments but we are both determined to exercise our way to perfect figures and health. We don't seem to have noticed that although we have been exercising for quite some time we don't appear to have made much progress with either body shape or fitness! We have however put the world to rights and continue to do so this morning. We huff and puff, run and shuffle, what we call ruffle for about 2.5 miles.

Today's ruffle was slow, we didn't go far, but we did it. We added more calories to the burned energy tally and best of all we felt good and had a good and much needed catch up. We are ready to start the day.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy weekend 8)

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Looking For Red

Once something is in writing it has to be seen through!

I joined in with a keeping fit thread on the Meniere's Disease Face Book group I am a member of. Promises were made to either start running, resume running, get back onto a treadmill and even to get out and cross country ski. My promise was to get back out and run on the second day of this new year.

Today was the day, I did not want to get up which was most inconvenient. Eventually, after breakfasting in bed and reading several chapters of my book I got into my running kit and spent the next couple of hours finding things to do rather than go outside with my ipod!

Finally, after checking into FB I was motivated to get going as several group members had either materialised their promises or were just about to. I selected a fairly short route and promised myself I would walk if the going was tough. The last few months I seem to have had endless ailments and dizzy spells and in a last ditch attempt to get well I had not been outside in the damp and cold for what felt like ages. My ipod shuffled to a decently speedy track and off I went. It was only a few moments before I was thinking the walking would be happening soon, I needed to think of a diversion for my brain as soon as possible.

My younger son gave me a beautiful book for Christmas, Life In Colour - National Geographic Photographs neatly organised in colour chapters. Photography is another hobby of mine and I was soon thinking about my next photography project. I am planning to take pictures focussing on specific colours starting with red. You may not be aware that I am just a tad OCD when it comes to choosing things.  I couldn't for the life of me just randomly select any colour let alone my favourite colour which incidently is green. Oh no, when thinking about colours I always think of the rainbow order of the spectrum, hence red is my first project.

So there I was trudging through the soggy and muddy lane looking for red. I found the obvious, post box, phone box, vehicles, litter and a sprinkling of red leaves barely hanging on to the hedgerow, but I failed spectacularly in finding red in a less obvious guise. I've given myself the whole of January to hopefully find something a little more original, watch this space.

Looking for picture opportunities certainly eased my journey and I am delighted to report that I ran the whole way out and all the way back. I did slow down quite considerably from time to time but I didn't stop or walk. I am so glad that it wasn't as hard as I thought it might be and I think I might even be looking forward to my next outing.

I wish to publicly thank my fellow MDers for motivating me back out onto the road and I sincerely wish them all success with their chosen exercise. Come on girls MD will not win 8)