Wednesday 23 November 2011

Pastures New

This afternoon I attended an ICT updates meeting at the beautiful Hestercombe which meant I was on the wrong side of town to go to my usual gym. My Buzz card allows me to use other local facilities so I took the chance to use the gym at the Wellsprings Leisure Centre.

I have visited this establishment on two other occasions, the first time to watch Flavia and Vincent perform their magical dancing and the second visit was for a Christmas work do. The former event i would attend every day of the week, the second, hopefully, never again. This time a very nice young man showed me where to go and I have to say I was impressed.

On the plus side, private changing cubicles, bliss. I'm quite happy with my body, after all I do work hard to keep it in shape, however when one has to change into a sports bra one does not want the children you have been teaching all day to notice that certain parts of ones body are no longer where nature intended! On gym days I head out of school to the gym as quickly as I can which means I'm at the gym at the same time as all the after school activities.

On the down side, the treadmills were further back from the TV screens which meant I couldn't read the subtitles! And, a young woman right in front of me was climbing a stepping machine with such enthusiasm that her bobbing up and down and swaying from side to side had me feeling quite dizzy. I was quite sure if she kept up that pace she would soon be climbing a stairway to heaven!

Until next time...  

Sunday 20 November 2011

No more excuses...

No headache, no sore throat, no aches and pains.

Late night out - enjoyed, early morning train - caught, recovery lie in - achieved.

Feet in trainers, ipod in ears, water in bottle.

Sun in sky, breeze on face, miles passing by.

No more excuses.

Be back Tuesday.

All being well x

Sunday 13 November 2011

Lazing on a Sunday afternoon...

That's just what I hope to be doing this afternoon. Lazing on the sofa, watching a film, doing some crochet and quite possibly enjoying 40 winks.

I really wasn't sure if I should run this morning, I went to bed on Friday night with a splitting headache, woke several times during the night with a sore throat and felt lousy on Saturday morning. However dosed up with Nurofen I was able to enjoy a lovely day out with my better half. So having indulged in a ploughman's lunch followed by a spectacular creme brule and then an evening in a french restaurant with good friends I had no choice, a run had to be done.

Upon waking I looked at the magnificent oak tree visible from my bed and could see a fairish breeze rustling the leaves, the sky was greyish but a weak sun was attempting to gently waken the world so with the decision made I headed out. I compromised with myself, I would run and hope my sore throat didn't worsen but I wouldn't do the planned longer route I had in mind.

Turning right out of my house means uphill for quite some time, it starts as a very gentle incline and gradually increases, whichever way I go! Today I headed for the bridle path by the church, which leads up through the woods, it is my most favourite stretch when done the other way round, but in this direction it's  long and slow and today MUDDY! Big mistake, I slipped and slid all over the place, either in the mud or on the leaves. But head down, slow and steady, I jogged all the way to the top and back onto terra firma.

At last a long decline through the lanes but alas more up, a slow steady drag again, and a brief walk. I think I prefer a short sharp steep incline, at least when you can see the top it gets closer with every step. Long slow inclines feel like they are going to last forever. And then the final descent, my mind always clicks over into hooray, I know I can run all the way home and I do, complete with a brief sprint finish. I must have been huffing and puffing as a dog walker glanced behind him to see me charging down the lane.

Until next time,

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them...


Thursday 10 November 2011

Hooray - The Rain Held Off

Now, don't get me wrong, if it starts to rain when I'm out on the road - no problem, in fact i love it, it detracts from the pain, it cools you down, it gives you something to think about plus I get a real feeling of doing something I shouldn't! But, can I get myself out if the wet stuff is already falling? Not a chance.

Today's outing was with my running partner Gill, she's faster than me and this has really helped to speed me up. We headed out straight after work and  we did a new route taking us through the park and around a housing estate before coming back through the edge of town, clocking up a reasonable 6:78 km (just over 4 miles.) I'm guilty of slowing us down today, I'd not had much lunch and was actually hungry.

This is my first blog and haven't yet logged my stats, yes I'm a bit obsessive, I'm not a real athlete, I'm slow, I don't seem to be able to do more that 11km, but I'm addicted and I'm going to sign off, plug in my ipod and log into my Nike+ account.

I'm next planning on running on Sunday, so I'll try and post after that.

Runnerduck 8)