Saturday 31 March 2012

Roger, over and out

Today's run has been in the planning for many months.

Sometime last year Ali and I registered with Park Run at Killerton in Devon. One thing after another prevented us from taking part but this year Ali started following a training program and she has really cracked this running lark. I have spent many a Saturday morning crawling out of bed to meet up with Ali in all winds and weathers to share her training sessions. She has steadily built her run/walk ratios and can now run steadily for 30 minutes.  

We were going to Park Run a fortnight ago, but bad weather put us off as we knew part of the course was over grass and neither of us fancied taking a tumble. We rescheduled for this week, then had to cancel due to injury  but then yesterday at work I was delighted to receive a text from Ali saying "Let's do it." So we did.

I was late leaving home, something to do with having to leave earlier than on a work day and it being the first day of my holiday! I collected Ali and she was very nervous. I had forgotten what a first race feels like and although I kept reassuring her that all would be fine she was indeed scared. We chatted nineteen to the dozen all the way there, just as we always do. On arrival we decided to get our bearings, find the loo, find the start and find the runners. Finding the loo was easy, looking for the start we found the finish and the runners were mostly running. Although real runners call this warming up we call it silly, we need to save our energy for the race after all 5K is a long way!

We made our way to almost the top of a steep rise to the start line and then we both got the collywobbles. I couldn't hear the girl giving instructions, we had no idea what to do with our registration codes and I couldn't even see which direction we were supposed to go in! Just as I was saying to Ali that I thought we ought to make our way a bit further back from the front we all took off.

Ali and I found our place at the back and followed at our own pace. The views were beautiful, the birds were singing and although it was cold, conditions were perfect. Ali was worrying me though, she was gasping for breath, I think the sudden start panicked her, we slowed down and I tried to take her mind off the running by prattling on about anything that popped into my head. We were blessed with a gentle downhill section and gradually Ali got into a comfortable pace and looking at our Nike+ details after we were actually going at a fair lick.

This trail was right up my street, comfortable under foot, great scenery, gentle ups and downs. We didn't find being at the back of the pack a bad place to be either. We were doing the run, we were going to finish the run, we weren't competing against anybody else, we were just enjoying it.

Everybody was brilliant, fellow runners happy to tell us what to do, where to go, the marshals were happy and chatty and Roger was especially encouraging. Roger was mine sweeper today and after about half way he joined us for a while with words of encouragement and tales of his running exploits. He didn't make us feel we should get a move on and when he stopped to close gates behind us he allowed us a few minutes to get ahead before rejoining us once more.

The best bit, the home run of course. I love to sprint finish, I love the buzz, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to contain myself and I really did intend to run with Ali for the whole race. I had mentioned to her about finishing with a sprint so as we got a bit nearer to the finish I suggested she should sprint, she did, first she went a bit quicker then a lot quicker and with me and Roger whooping and hollering behind  we hammered down to the finish line!

We did it!

Well done Ali, I am so very very proud of you.

Thank you Roger, it was so lovely to meet you.

And now, we are officially on the Park Run results list, mentioned as first timers and have a time to beat!

Until next time, over and out x

Tuesday 20 March 2012

All in a day...

06.00 - wide awake
08.30 - runny nose, splitting headache, aches and pains and almost texted Ali to cancel after work run but realised she wouldn't have her bike to get home!
12.15 - hungry, very hungry, nearly texted Ali to say forget the run tonight let's just go to The Harvester for scampi and chips, but didn't!
15.20 - schools out, thank goodness, I'm exhausted.
17.00 - went to collect Ali from work deliberately leaving purse at home and with every intention of telling her we would have to walk along the canal as I'm not feeling special.
17.33 - set off towards Bridgwater very happy that I had double long sleeve layers on!
18.14 - 3.24 miles completed, and yes we ran all the way!
20.15 - cold, splitting headache and sore throat.