Sunday 24 June 2012

New Tyres

Spot the difference...

After many miles of mud, hills, rain and blood sweat and tears it is time to say goodbye to my faithful friends. But I still don't think I can bring myself to put them in the bin 8(

As you might know, Ali and I run together every other Saturday and yesterday's run took place on a treadmill at Iron Bridge Runner in Exeter, in the window of all places! We were attended to by two very helpful young men. Our running gait was filmed and analyzed. I land with a straight leg apparently, which is good, so I was very chuffed. Easy choice for me then, a brand new pair of Asics, that'll be £100 please, job done!

Ali's current trainers were not helping her gait at all so after analysis different types of trainers were tried until she found the right pair. Hopefully, Ali's new tyres will help her knee problem. Both of our new trainers have go faster stripes but unfortunately they were all out of turbo boost footwear.

OK, so we didn't do much of a run yesterday but we did amble about the shops trying on hats and ogling handbags. We did have a scrumptious lunch of fish finger sandwiches with fries accompanied by a perfectly chilled bottle of Chenin Blanc. We did converse with the swans, geese and pigeons on the waterfront and enjoyed a sneaky ice cream. We did help Cath Kidston's retirement fund by buying some sale items and we finished the day with a hot chocolate at Starbucks before catching the train home.

All in all a perfect day out.

I really should road test my new trainers, but I don't want to get them dirty. Maybe tomorrow...  

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Road Closed

I live on the edge of the vale of Taunton. If I run towards the town I have a fairly flat run. If I run in any other direction I encounter hills, big ones. One hill in particular has long held my desire to run from the top all the way home. However, this stretch of road can have fast moving traffic, is windy in places and narrows enough to allow two vehicles to pass, if they both breathe in.

I had been planning to get my better half to drop me off at the top very early one summer morning in the hope of being ahead of the commuter rush. At the weekend our lovely sons and almost daughter in law treated us to Sunday lunch at our favourite pub which required us to travel along this said route and I was delighted to discover the road is closed this week due to some serious subsidence needing attention. If I didn't do the run now it would be highly unlikely that I would have the chance to do so in relative safety ever again.

When I got up this morning I felt I could run forever, work had to be done first though. Once home I was starving and the sun was hot so I figured I had better eat first and run later. I'm not sure I got that choice right but I enjoyed making a smoked haddock risotto and enjoyed eating it even more. I had to set out a little earlier than I would have liked as I knew I wouldn't manage the whole way there and back from home and my son was going out so it was trainers on and he dropped me 3.24 km from the top of the hill.

The temperature when I started was a very warm 18 degrees, fortunately I was running on the shady side of the road but it wasn't long before I was walking. That hill is steep! Although it was hard, the reward for running in the middle of a road away from the blessed camber, no traffic except for a tractor and trailer and forestry commission truck, glorious weather and magnificent view was priceless. The banter from the farmer and forester kept me running on up determined to run as much as I could and then I reached the top and my long held dream was about to begin.

After a good slurp of water I was off, picking up speed, although still warm I could feel a slight breeze on my hot sticky face and the view unfurled before me as I sped past the workers giving a wave in return for there unheard comments. I loved every minute, every step, every gasp all the way to the bottom. A slight incline slowed me right down and the undulating road kept  me alternating between walking and running. I passed the evening drinkers in the pub garden soaking up the rays. I swapped sides of the road on the bends, traffic now but thankfully quiet, running out of steam, got to keep going, getting closer to home. Passing through Thurlbear I hear a car slowing at my side and a voice calls "Fancy a lift?",
"Don't tempt me!" I answer my husband!
I run the last mile and a half hoping he has a big glass of water waiting for me. He did.

To top it all, please notice the photo of my socked foot. This must prove I am a real runner surely?

Sunday 17 June 2012

Scampi & Chips...

is very bad for you!

Sometimes these cravings have to be catered for and enjoyed.

So it was that this morning found me heading to pick up Ali with a very fuzzy head. Not only is the aforementioned meal full of calories and very bad for your heart the coating on the scampi is full of gluten and my head was not playing ball at all.

We headed off to Maunsel Lock, our next stop on the Taunton to Bridgwater Canal. Several times I could not think which way we had to go and I turned off before we needed to resulting in a quick turn around before getting the correct lane - the one sign posted! Could I find the car park? No, and I was concerned that we were getting further and further away from where we had run to last time!

Eventually we parked up and decided we would set off and see what we could manage. I was really really not in a running mood and had woken hoping to hear the sound of the predicted worse storm for 50 years. No idea where that had landed but it wasn't Somerset. We had beautiful glorious sunshine and  at that hour no rain at all. Ali didn't feel on top form either and she was concerned about her knee and ankle.

For the first couple of kilometers I was finding it very hard to talk, I just couldn't find the words I needed but then taking in the beautiful scenery out over the Somerset Levels - and believe me if you have not been along this stretch of Somerset you should - the wide blue sky, the gentle sleepy cows and their babies and the very busy swan tidying her nest I began to feel better. Ali kindly suggested I run on for a bit, this is not something I usually choose to do but I somehow knew it would really help to clear my head.

Just around the bend two enormous barking dogs on the opposite bank were making their presence known, I avoided eye contact and hoped and prayed I would not hear a splash. I did not! I waited at the next bridge for Ali, she determinedly caught me and made it to the top of the steep slope. She told me that my being ahead had given her a new competitiveness and had made her run faster so perhaps we have ourselves a new running strategy. I don't think it will be long before I am chasing Ali!

We delightedly made it to Swan's Neck Bridge, our stopping point on our previous canal run. We took a brief breather to look out over the fields, the colours so rich, the sun so warming and bright before turning to head back. We walked a little, jogged a little and ran a little. We saw Mr Swan quite a way from his wife and watched as he glided so beautifully, pushing lazily with one foot then the other towards his home and waiting lady. We told her not to be cross if he was late returning as he had helped us to relax and to enjoy the beauty of the nature all around us.

Taunton to Maunsel Lock is 12.6 km. Today we managed almost 7.5 of them. Next we plan to run the whole 12.6, I know we can do it. Next Saturday we are spending the day in Exeter, catching the train so we can enjoy a glass or two at lunchtime. The purpose of this trip is to have our running gait analyzed and for us to purchase new trainers. Maybe we wont do the long run in our new trainers, perhaps we should break them in first!

I will let you know how we get on 8)


Thursday 14 June 2012

Is it true?

Goodness gracious me. When I wrote my last post, somehow, and I still don't quite know how, I opened a page full of amazing and unbelievable statistics with regards to the number of viewers to my blog.  They weren't just from the UK either. I still can't quite believe that this is true. My gast has been truly flabbered!

More importantly it has given me a new motivation for writing and more importantly running.

Today Gill and I ran after work, fortunately the rain held off and we did our usual almost 6K route. It was hard and we did walk a bit but we did it. I'm disappointed that my running has been a bit sluggish this past week as I even managed to run twice when I was away on holiday last week, getting up at 6.30 no less! It had to be done as I intended to buy my outfit for my eldest son's wedding, I achieved 3/4 of the ensemble and just have the hat to go.

So, I love my dress and I will have to run for England between now and September to ensure it looks good!

If my viewing stats are correct I thank you all for reading.

My next run is scheduled for Sunday with Ali. I shall report in and let you know how it goes.

Until then x  

Monday 11 June 2012

The Devil's Own Job

When something is in your head and you can't get it out, it ruins everything.

That's all.