Tuesday 17 February 2015

Really Really Good

I had a panic. The Taunton half marathon is not that far away and I have been struggling to get some distance under my belt. I counted the weeks and realised that as long as I increased my runs by a mile each week I would still reach the required distance by April.

I have this past week been doing two circuits of a close to home run. The route includes a sharp hill, not overly long but a long way up none the less. So far this year I have not managed to run all the way to the top, every meeting has resulted in my gasping for breath on the final third, giving up and giving in to walking the last lump.

Today I decided to attack the route in a different way. To start I jogged to the first junction, a very gentle incline all the way and then turned around and ran back home. I usually push as hard as I can on this home stretch and it felt so good to do it on fresh legs.

A quick turn and back to the junction and further on, this time to the next bend in the lane and just where the hill begins to really climb. Another about turn and back to the junction. Forward once more to make the climb to the midway plateau, not too fast, head down, small steps and then turn, oh how good my legs felt all the way back down.

I climbed again, just as before, my legs were burning this time but up onto the level and a brief respite before tackling the steep section. I was determined to get to the drain cover at the top without walking and I did, although, technically I'm not sure it could be called running! Oh the relief of the downward stretch, and then I had to do it again. Much harder this time but once more I was at the top.

No time to stop, a right turn and still climbing I headed to the woods. Now I was into the loop with a lovely gentle decline for at least a third of the section. Horses ahead, I slowed and called hello and passed carefully whilst chatting to the riders, one a celebrity no less! I warned I would be back round shortly but I didn't see them again, they were too quick for me!

It was during the second loop that I suddenly realised that I had stopped thinking about my legs, my breathing was steady and not laboured. I was thoroughly enjoying myself in the glorious sunshine and really felt that I could have gone even further. This was the first time this year that I hadn't been quietly moaning to myself that this running lark wasn't getting any easier.

I flew down over the conquered hill and tried really hard to keep up my pace all the way home. With not much fuel in the tank I even picked up my toes for a bit of a sprint finish.

You know when a run is REALLY REALLY good? Well that.

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